As a way to become more active and overcome her social isolation, Regina also started attending Sunflower Adult Day Services once a week. When Regina's paid in-home caregiver suddenly quit to take another job, Peggy was able to immediately increase Regina's days and hours at Sunflower.
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Video about adult day services provided by NADSA.

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Are you caring for or worrying about an older family member or disabled adult living in the Salina, Kansas area?  Could you use some help in caring for your loved one?  Do you think a nursing home is your only choice?

If the answer is "Yes", Sunflower Adult Day Services can share the caring with you.

Sunflower serves two important roles:

  1. To offer support and respite for the primary caregiver who has made the decision to keep their family member at home.
  2. To enhance the quality of life for the older or disabled adult through a structured day activity program.

Why use Sunflower Adult Day Services?

  • Feel caught up again, less frustration
  • Take care of other business, household chores, and everything else on your to do list
  • Revitalize yourself
  • Give time to other family members.
  • Continue to work, or resume your work
  • Time to pursue your own personal interests
  • Visit friends and family
  • Shop, take a class, participate in community activities and events
  • Personal time out
  • Opportunity to rest and recharge your own health and strength, upon which your loved one depends
401 W. Iron  |  Salina, KS 67401  |  Phone 785.823.6666
All Rights Reserved. © 2014 Sunflower Adult Day Services