"A place where we can take our loved ones and feel confident and worry-free that they are well cared for in a home-like atmosphere of loving, caring and dedicated caregivers."
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The following profiles highlight how Sunflower Adult Day Services has helped families in a variety of situations. The names have been changed, but the stories are all true.

Life After Stroke
Because of a debilitating stroke, 75-year old Della became wheelchair-bound and unable to perform many of her usual activities. Her husband Pete found himself not only caring for Della but also doing the laundry, cleaning the house, preparing meals and all the other tasks of running a household.

Della started attending Sunflower Adult Day Services two days per week. At Sunflower, she was able to resume the painting, gardening and musical activities that were such an important part of her life. Pete got the periodic relief and support he needed to be able to care for Della at home right up to the end of her life.

Alzheimer's Care
Because she has moderate dementia, Julia can't remember what she said or did just a few minutes ago. Her husband Gary has to guide and help her with even the simplest tasks and activities. Gary is devoted to keeping Julia at home, but he was emotionally and physically stressed-out by the constant demands of her care.

Julia now attends Sunflower Adult Day Services several half-days each week. She loves the engaging activities, the warm environment, and her new friends. Gary is so happy he brought flowers to the staff to show his appreciation and relief!

401 W. Iron  |  Salina, KS 67401  |  Phone 785.823.6666
All Rights Reserved. © 2014 Sunflower Adult Day Services